Kathleen Rosenblatt

Dr. Kathleen Rosenblatt is a pioneering acupuncturist who has treated many ET contactees suffering from shock, stress and discomfort due to their remarkable experiences.  During her lectures, which have included presentations at Contact in the Desert and at the Paris IONS events, she discusses special measures that can help fortify contactees after possible past experiences. She offers her patients directives by which to address the potential changes and dimensional shifts that could prove difficult for Earthlings. 

Kathleen straddles social activism with a spiritual trust in the power and potential of a coming transformation of consciousness.  She believes that we must be balanced and centered in order to be emotionally and physically ready for the potential upcoming consequences following the disclosure of our extraterrestrial fellows. She offers practical measures by which to erase the imprint of our ancestral fears and move into the higher brain centers, evolving our cognition and reducing lower brain egocentric tunnel vision.  She applies acupuncture to balance the brain chemistry and applies her original Cellular Meditation techniques which help release the natural ''feel-good'' opiate chemicals throughout the body.  

Kathleen is co-founder of the first acupuncture clinic in the U.S. at UCLA and has helped promote acupuncture all across the United States. She has worked with clinical psychologists at Cedars Sinai Medical Center and continues to treat serious depression with acupuncture and electro-magnetic pulse stimulus. She has also aided many Veterans suffering from PTSD through her multi-pronged Veterans PTSD Project: a therapy program for releasing deep-seated anxiety and depression, partially funded by rock star Graham Nash.

Kathleen is the author of the book René Daumal: The Life & Work of a Mystic Guide (S U N Y Press & Paris, France) which highlights the spiritual component of being human as relevant to the healing process. Kathleen is also co-founder of 911TruthLA (which was formed in 2004,) and has produced 40 events for that group, both large and small, over the last two decades, including the main event for the 2010 Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles. Kathleen has also worked closely with Disclosure Advocate Stephen Bassett to support the Citizens' Initiative for Disclosure, which Bassett has been spearheading for many years.